Instruction for Authors

Submission of manuscript allowed only through “Conference Management Tool (CMT) by Microsoft

The maximum number of authors in a paper is limited to 6.

Page Limit: Min 5 Pages and Max 8 pages in IEEE format

The official language of the Conference is English.

All the camera-ready manuscripts should be submitted in English, and presentations should be made in English.

Presentations should be made in English.

All registered and presented papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.

All accepted papers and presented during the conference will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., by not including it in IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.

The APEACC has a double-blind peer-review process. Any paper submitted for the conference is reviewed by minimum three reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. Based on the reviewers’ comments, papers are accepted, rejected or accepted with revision. The number of submissions will determine the number of reviewers required. Plagiarism checking Committee initially checks the plagiarism in the submitted paper by plagiarism checking tools.

The registration desk is open during the Conference.

Please be advised that all sales are final, and unfortunately, we are unable to process refunds once the payment has been completed. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.”


Conference will be hosted in hybrid mode.

If a paper, included into the IEEE proceedings, fails to be presented any way at the conference, all authors of the paper will be bar out from paper submission to conferences of the organizers in the future.

Authors are instructed to have their presentation content in a USB drive. Conference room is supplied with data projector with PC.

Usage of individual laptops are restricted.

If the paper is not original, not authors’ own work, or submitted to other conferences or journals, or a copy of another paper, then the paper is removed at once.

It is not even allowed to be copied from the author’s own paper.

The paper may be checked against plagiarism at any time during the review process from paper submission until publication.

The Publisher reserves the right to exclude any papers from the Work if in its opinion, or those of its advisers, any papers are considered inappropriate for publication by the Publisher.

Acts of plagiarism are violations of conference policy and will not be tolerated. The Author(s) is responsible for any plagiarism related issues and rejection from the organizers/ publishers.

The Author(s) is sole responsible for any work quality issues/citation/ self citation issues/ mismatched content issues/ review and revision process delays/ not responding for review comments/ copyright issues/ copyright and proofread response delays during submission/review/revision/proofreading related issues and rejection from the organizers/ publishers. There is no registration payment that will be refunded in any stage of the conference pre/post process.

After the conference deadline registration fee charges would not be refunded/ reversed under any circumstances for any refund/reversal /chargeback and any other reasons. Conference organizers are not responsible for payment gateway additional charges paid by the authors.

All the accepted and registered papers in the Work must already have been checked by the authors and be in final form ready for publication. If any Unwanted contents/ Change of contents/ Mismatched errors/ Reference corrections/ Title Change during camera ready submission/ type setting errors in the papers, the Organizers/Editors are not responsible for the same.